Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A no wind night on the Chaser 29

BB and I have agreed that one night a week can be dedicated as sailing night. So Tuesday night is the night we've picked. July 21st was the first official sailing night. The weather was looking rather gloomy. The sky in the north was dark dark gray with wisps of white. We met at the dock this evening and hung out for a little while before deciding to give it a try. Good thing we did by the time we made it to the river mouth the sky was brightening up. Once out on the lake we Set the main sail. There was absolutely no wind. The Vane on the top of the mast just spun back and forth. Even though we weren't going any where quickly spirits were high. We decided given the current state of the atmosphere it was a good time to try out the spinnaker for the first time.
My boat is equipped with a 1.6 oz and .5 oz spinnaker. Obviously the .5 oz was the right choice for the night unfortunately the 1.6 oz was in the spinnaker sock. So we decided to use the 1.6 and the sock instead of doing a deck launch of the .5 ouncer. It took us a while to run all the rigging and set up the pole but like I said we weren't going anywhere quick and being the first launch of a spinnaker I've done in several years It was time well spent sorting and making sure all the sheets/guys and other lines were going to the right place. The Yellow red and white sail slipped out of the sock like a dream. It took only a few seconds to fill and adjust the pole to the correct position. Through the rest of the evening the wind filled the chute and then dropped it as the wind died away. We even did one ugly dip pole jibe just to see if we could. This night was proof enough that even on a day with no wind it is easily worth going out on the lake and tinkering around....

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